Always in search of purity, we seek to evolve our working techniques so that our wines express the quality of this terroir.
Property on a human scale, our wines are a reflection of this alliance between modernity and tradition.
This is the highest level in its category and attests to our environmental excellence, for which we needed to meet performance requirements in four areas :
• Biodiversity (in particular the presence of agro-ecological infrastructures, including hedges, strips of grass, copses, etc.)
• Phytosanitary strategy
• Fertilisation management
• Water resource management
This certification is important because it testifies to our environmental commitment. It reassures our partners, distributors and customers and gives them good reasons to believe in us. We respect the environmental requirements of both our buyers and partners.
We could not have succeeded without the help of our employees, all of whom want to help maintain the ecological balance of our terroir.
This level III certification also allows us to compare changes in our environmental impact from one year to the next.